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Gut Health

Travelling with a sensitive tummy: Our 5 top tips!

As summer rolls in, we’re all thinking about that perfect getaway. Whether jetting away for a holiday or backpacking to make memories, travelling can be a wonderful adventure. But, for those with tummy sensitivities, it can also be a source of worry. After all, it’s tough to get out and see the world when you […]

15 days agoBy bimunouk
Fitness and Sports

Going for Gut Gold: How exercise works wonders for our gut health

How exercise works wonders for our gut health Whether you’re aiming for the Olympic podium or just trying to shake off the couch potato vibes, exercise is the superhero your gut needs! It’s not just about toning muscles, strengthening bones, and boosting your mood—physical activity also plays a crucial role in maintaining a thriving gut. […]

29 days agoBy bimunouk
Gut Health

Remembering Dr Michael Mosley, 1957-2024

The UK’s health and wellness community has lost a leading light with the passing of Dr. Michael Mosley. Remembered for his relentless pursuit of knowledge, straight-talking advice and passion for making health information accessible to all, Dr. Mosley’s impact is profound. His work, spanning books, television documentaries, radio broadcasts and public speaking, has been invaluable […]

1 month agoBy bimunouk
Gut Health

Gut-friendly tips to stay healthy on your holiday

“Travel broadens the mind”, as the old saying goes. But what does it do to the body? Well, if you’ve ever had a holiday ruined by an upset stomach, flatulence, or felt fatigued for days after you’ve returned home, you’ll probably have some idea. However, what you may not know is that your gut health […]

2 months agoBy bimunouk