Research Spotlight

Our new feature series highlights research that is of interest to those fascinated by the science of the gut microbiome, helping to connect the dots between research studies and real-world application.

The effects of Bimuno® GOS on gut microbiome composition and immune function in older adults

The composition of intestinal microbiome differs as individuals age, resulting in decreases in beneficial gut bacteria, as well as showing declines to immune function (Aspinall and Andrew., 2000). As more research arises around gut health, a positive correlation between the presence of beneficial bacteria in the gut and immune function suggests gut microbiome modulation could support immunomodulatory capacity (Kelly-Quagliana et al., 2003; Hosono et al., 2003). 

In this research spotlight, we present a study looking at the effects of Bimuno® GOS on gut microbiome composition and immune function in an older adult population (Vulevic et al., 2008).

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The effects of Bimuno® GOS in those prone to functional gastrointestinal issues

Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGDs) affect more than 40% of individuals worldwide and present an economic challenge for healthcare systems (Fikree and Byrne., 2021). 

Due to their chronic nature and lack of organic cause, FGDs are often difficult to manage and have a resulting impact on quality of life (QoL) (Fikree and Byrne., 2021). As more is being understood about FGDs, it is thought that their cause could be related to the composition of the gut microbiota and lower levels of beneficial bacteria (Wang et al., 2020). In this Research Spotlight, we present a study looking at the effects of Bimuno® GOS on gastrointestinal wellbeing.

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The Role of the Gut Microbiome in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that is estimated to affect 1-in-100 children worldwide (World Health Organization (WHO)., 2023). ASD has a broad-spectrum with high individual variability, however, individuals often have difficulties relating to social, behavioural and communication skills, as well as comorbidities such as gastrointestinal issues (WHO., 2023). 

Research suggests that ASD could be linked to the gut microbiome. In this Research Spotlight we will explore ASD in relation to the gut and delve into a study looking at the impact of Bimuno® GOS on 30 children with ASD (Grimaldi et al., 2018).

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